
Developing Core Strategy for OISTAT 2015-2025

Jun 19, 2015

Click Here to Download Project Proposal
Project Initiative
In the past 48 years, OISTAT has grown from its European roots expanding to include professionals from all continents. It is an international organization with a migrating headquarters. The challenges and the rewards of these migrations benefit the greater global cultural network.
OISTAT recognizes the organizational challenges of rebranding, rejuvenation, and enabling economic growth to support its significant and large international activities. This is the first time OISTAT invites young leaders into its core development strategy and opens up to implement the ideas of young leaders.

Timeline - June 20, 2015 to March, 2016
June 20, 2015 September 18-22, 2015 March, 2016

ORIENTATION at Prague, Czech Republic Strategy 
midterm presentation, Novi Sad, Serbia
Final Strategy paper/presentation, Taiwan

Unique Global Learning Opportunity
The initiative aims to stimulate interaction and critical thinking from diverse cultures. Young leaders will:
.Simulate the hands-on cooperative relations familiar to most international NGOs, working across cultures, time zones, social, political and economic differences.
.Gain insights to global challenges and decision-making process to OISTAT, and which shall enable greater understanding into cross-border organizations.
.Apply knowledge on practical case study of OISTAT with international professionals as consultants and mentors.
.Build network for career development with global peers and professionals. Developing Core Strategy for OISTAT 2015-2025 Page 1 of 3
.Goals on the Horizon

The project aims to bring together 3 schools from 3 countries of 3 continents. Students from each school will form a collective working group to develop one core strategy for OISTAT in 2015-2025 that encompasses the following objectives:

Project Guidelines
Young Leaders Group
Each university selects 2-6 young leaders. On each of the “Project Milestones,” 2-4 representatives from each university will present before OISTAT Executive Committee.

Young leaders will meet regularly via web conference to develop the Core Strategy for midterm and final presentations.OISTAT Executive Committee and Headquarters will meet monthly with Young Leaders via web conference to offer further information and insights.

Orientation & Presentations at “Project Milestones"
Orientation- OISTAT Day June 20, 2015 Prague, Czech Republic
Young Leaders Group will meet for Orientation at OISTAT Day, June 20, during Prague Quadrennial 2015.The Group will meet with OISTAT Executive Committee. This presents the chance to gain plenary knowledge of OISTAT through activities and interviews with OISTAT professionals.

Mid-term Presentation- Executive Committee & Governing Board Meeting September 18-22
Novi Sad, Serbia
September 10, 2015- Submit abstract
September 18-22 Meeting- Presentation

A mid-term report on the developing Core Strategy will be submitted electronically to OISTAT Headquarters prior to Novi Sad meeting.
Representatives will present the developing plan to the OISTAT Executive Committee and Governing Board at Novi Sad.

Final Paper/ Presentation March 2016 Taiwan
Young Leaders Group should present the final strategy to OISTAT Executive Committee members via skype in December. 
Final paper should be submitted by March 1, 2016.

Partner University
National Taiwan Normal University
Graduate Program of Performing Arts Marketing and Industry
Supplement Funding
Each school will be responsible for the funding to support its own students. OISTAT in collaboration with meeting hosting countries will seek possibilities in housing student accommodations and local transportation at Project Milestone destinations.
Strategy Adoption
OISTAT holds the right in final adoption of the strategy developed by this project and reserve the rights to change the terms and conditions of the initiative.
Project initiated by Richart Bauer and Kathy Hong

Project contact: Wan-Jung Wei wanjung@oistat.org

Update on Jan 20, 2017
The Final Report of the Core Stategy Project 2015-2016